Khaled Mohamed Hosny Ibrahim

Assistant Professor

Basic Informations


Dr. Khaled Mohamed Hosny Omar

Associate Professor of pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy.


Personal Information:                                     

Date of birth: 9 February 1977

Nationality: Egyptian

Marital State: Married with four children


Contact information

Office:             Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt

Home:                         12 Ahmed Mansour Street, El-Abaseiry, New Beni Suef

Phone:             +20100388873




Current positions

Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Egypt



2014-  (Best Medical Scientific Research In The Arab World) From ACDIMA, Jordan.

2013– Scientific Publishing award from King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA

2010- Scientific Publishing award from Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt.



May 2004-Aug. 2006  Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt.
Thesis: A Comparative Study of Topical Gels Containing Certain Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.

Jan. 2000-Jan. 2004    Master of Science, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt.
Thesis: A Pharmaceutical Study On The Formulation And Interaction of Commonly Used Pharmaceutical Excipients and Certain Antibiotics.

May 1999                    Bachelor of Science, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Egypt (Excellent with honours)


Working experience

Ppresent                      Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, KSA

Sep. 2006 – Sept. 2010           Lecturer of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt

May 2004-Aug. 2006  Assistant Lecturer of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt

Des. 1999 - May 2004            Instructor of Pharmaceutics, Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Al- Beni Suef University, Beni Suef, Egypt


Research skills

Pharmaceutics:              Formulation and Evaluation of different novel drug delivery systems as Liposomes, Nanoemulsion, In situ gel, nanoliposomes, transfersomes, nanoparticles,  Floating dosage form, orodispersible tablet, and Microspheres.



-          Co-supervising 4 postgraduates (3 master degree and 1 PhD) in the field of Pharmaceutics.

-          Co-supervising 1 postgraduates (master degree) in the field of Clinical Pharmacy.

-          Trained several research students to operate different laboratory instruments.  Mentored younger students (project and summer students) with their research in Egypt and KSA.



Key academic presentations

1.      Preparation and evaluation of Avanafil as solid lipid nanoparticles. (POSTER), 19th DUPHAT. Dubai, AUE, March, 12th -14th  (2014).

2.      Injectable liposomal in situ gel loaded with rhBMP-2 for the treatment of alveolar bone clefts in rabbits. (POSTER). International association of dental research (IADR) general session and exhibition, Cape Town, South Africa, June, 25th -28th, 2014.

3.      Chitosan Based Floating Microsphere of Trimetazidin Dihydrochloride; Preparation and In-viro Characterization, (POSTER), Assiut University 7th International Pharmaceutical Sciences Conference, Assiut, Egypt, March 17th – 18th (2010)

4.      XXX Conference of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The Pharmaceutical society of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt, December 19th -21nd (2006)




1.      Khaled M. Hosny , Bader M. Al-jeaide. Sildenafil citrate as oral solid lipid nanoparticles: a novel formula with higher bioavailability and sustained action for treatment of erectile dysfunction Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 11(7):1015-1022;2014.

2.      Khaled M. Hosny, Ali H. Hassan. Intranasal in situ gel loaded with saquinavir mesylate nanosized microemulsion: Preparation, characterization, and in vivo evaluation. International journal of pharmaceutics. 475:191-197;2014.

3.      Khaled M. Hosny, Khalid M. El-Say. Osama Abdelhakim Optimized sildenafil citrate fast orodissolvable film: a promising formula for overcoming the barriers hindering erectile dysfunction treatment. Drug Delivery. Early online.2014

4.   Khaled M. Hosny, Zainy Banjar. The Formulation of a Nasal Nanoemulsion Zaleplon In Situ Gel for the Treatment of Insomnia. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 10(8);1033-1041;2013.

5.   Khaled M. Hosny, Osama Abdelhakim, Rana Al-abdaly. Enteric-coated alendronate sodium nanoliposomes: a novel formula to overcome barriers for the treatment of osteoporosis. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 10(6): 741–746; 2013

6.   Khalid M.Elsay, Abdulrahim Ehelw, Osama A.A. Ahmed, Khaled M. Hosny, Tarek Ahmed. Novel Controlled Release of Antihypertensive Drug: Preparation, In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation. Accepted for publication in African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7(25); 1744-1756;2013.

7.   Khaled M.Hosny, Ahmed Khames, Seham S. Abdelhady. Preparation and Evaluation of Orodispersible Tablets containing Hydroxylbutyl-β-Cyclodextrin-Simvastatin Solid Dispersion. Tropical journal of pharmaceutical research. 12(4);469-476;2013

8.   Khaled M. Hosny. Khalid M. El-Say. Preparation and optimization of gastro retentive floating tablet  containing atorvastatin calcium. Accepted in Latin American journal of pharmacy. 10(9). 2013


9.   Khaled M. Hosny, Shatha M. Rambo, Muna M. Al-Zahrani, Samia M. Al-Subhi, Usama A. Fahmy. Ketoprofen Emulgel: Preparation, Characterization, and Pharmacodynamic Evaluation. International journal of pharmaceutical science review and research. 20(2);306-310; 2013.


10.  Khaled M. Hosny, Majd M. Tayeb, OsamaM. Fallatah, Aladdin A. Mahmoud, Motaz S. Mandoura, Majid M. Al-Sawahli. Preparation and evaluation of ketrolac tromethamine hydrogel, International journal of pharmaceutical science review and research. 20(2);269-274; 2013.


11.  Khaled M. Hosny, Shaimaa M. Ali. Novel controlled release oxypentafylline microspheres; Preparation, characterization, and in-vivo evaluation. African journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 6(27);2039-2048; 2012

12.  Hanan Elnahas,  Khaled M. Hosny,. Chitosan based floating microspheres of trimetazidine dihydrochloride; preparation and in vitro characterization. Indian journal of pharmaceutical science.73(4); 397-403;2011.

13.  Randa Zaki, Khaled M. Hosny, Ahmed Khames, Ahmed Abd-elbary. Ketorolac Tromethamine In-situ Ocular Hydro Gel; Preparation,Characterization, and In-vivo Evaluation. International Journal of Drug Delivery. 3;535-545; 2011.

14.  Hosny K.M, Shaimaa Badr, Controlled Release Ammonio Methacrylate Copolymer-Based Microspheres of Oxypentifylline International journal of drug delivery, 3::734-742; 2011.

15.  Khaled M. Hosny. Ciprofloxacin as Ocular Liposomal Hydrogel. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2(1);241-246; 2010.

16.  Khaled M. Hosny. Optimization of gatifloxacin liposomal hydrogel for enhanced transcorneal permeation. Journal of liposome research. 20(1);31-37; 2010.

Khaled M. Hosny. Preparation and evaluation of thermosensitive liposomal hydrogel for enhanced transcorneal permeation of ofloxacin. AAPS PharmSciTech. 10(4);1336

Master Title

Pharmaceutical Study On The Formulation And Interaction of Commonly Used Pharmaceutical Excipients and Certain Antibiotics.

Master Abstract

Pharmaceutical Study On The Formulation And Interaction of Commonly Used Pharmaceutical Excipients and Certain Antibiotics.

PHD Title

A Comparative Study of Topical Gels Containing Certain Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.

PHD Abstract

A Comparative Study of Topical Gels Containing Certain Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.

All rights reserved ©Khaled Mohamed Hosny Ibrahim