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1. Khaled M. Hosny , Bader M. Al-jeaide. Sildenafil citrate as oral solid lipid nanoparticles: a novel formula with higher bioavailability and sustained action for treatment of erectile dysfunction Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 11(7):1015-1022;2014. 2. Khaled M. Hosny, Ali H. Hassan. Intranasal in situ gel loaded with saquinavir mesylate nanosized microemulsion: Preparation, characterization, and in vivo evaluation. International journal of pharmaceutics. 475:191-197;2014. 3. Khaled M. Hosny, Khalid M. El-Say. Osama Abdelhakim Optimized sildenafil citrate fast orodissolvable film: a promising formula for overcoming the barriers hindering erectile dysfunction treatment. Drug Delivery. Early online.2014 4. Khaled M. Hosny, Zainy Banjar. The Formulation of a Nasal Nanoemulsion Zaleplon In Situ Gel for the Treatment of Insomnia. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 10(8);1033-1041;2013. 5. Khaled M. Hosny, Osama Abdelhakim, Rana Al-abdaly. Enteric-coated alendronate sodium nanoliposomes: a novel formula to overcome barriers for the treatment of osteoporosis. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery 10(6): 741–746; 2013 6. Khalid M.Elsay, Abdulrahim Ehelw, Osama A.A. Ahmed, Khaled M. Hosny, Tarek Ahmed. Novel Controlled Release of Antihypertensive Drug: Preparation, In Vitro and In Vivo Evaluation. Accepted for publication in African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 7(25); 1744-1756;2013. 7. Khaled M.Hosny, Ahmed Khames, Seham S. Abdelhady. Preparation and Evaluation of Orodispersible Tablets containing Hydroxylbutyl-β-Cyclodextrin-Simvastatin Solid Dispersion. Tropical journal of pharmaceutical research. 12(4);469-476;2013 8. Khaled M. Hosny. Khalid M. El-Say. Preparation and optimization of gastro retentive floating tablet containing atorvastatin calcium. Accepted in Latin American journal of pharmacy. 10(9). 2013 9. Khaled M. Hosny, Shatha M. Rambo, Muna M. Al-Zahrani, Samia M. Al-Subhi, Usama A. Fahmy. Ketoprofen Emulgel: Preparation, Characterization, and Pharmacodynamic Evaluation. International journal of pharmaceutical science review and research. 20(2);306-310; 2013. 10. Khaled M. Hosny, Majd M. Tayeb, OsamaM. Fallatah, Aladdin A. Mahmoud, Motaz S. Mandoura, Majid M. Al-Sawahli. Preparation and evaluation of ketrolac tromethamine hydrogel, International journal of pharmaceutical science review and research. 20(2);269-274; 2013. 11. Khaled M. Hosny, Shaimaa M. Ali. Novel controlled release oxypentafylline microspheres; Preparation, characterization, and in-vivo evaluation. African journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 6(27);2039-2048; 2012 12. Hanan Elnahas, Khaled M. Hosny,. Chitosan based floating microspheres of trimetazidine dihydrochloride; preparation and in vitro characterization. Indian journal of pharmaceutical science.73(4); 397-403;2011. 13. Randa Zaki, Khaled M. Hosny, Ahmed Khames, Ahmed Abd-elbary. Ketorolac Tromethamine In-situ Ocular Hydro Gel; Preparation,Characterization, and In-vivo Evaluation. International Journal of Drug Delivery. 3;535-545; 2011. 14. Hosny K.M, Shaimaa Badr, Controlled Release Ammonio Methacrylate Copolymer-Based Microspheres of Oxypentifylline International journal of drug delivery, 3::734-742; 2011. 15. Khaled M. Hosny. Ciprofloxacin as Ocular Liposomal Hydrogel. AAPS PharmSciTech. 2(1);241-246; 2010. 16. Khaled M. Hosny. Optimization of gatifloxacin liposomal hydrogel for enhanced transcorneal permeation. Journal of liposome research. 20(1);31-37; 2010. 17. Khaled M. Hosny. Preparation and evaluation of thermosensitive liposomal hydrogel for enhanced transcorneal permeation of ofloxacin. AAPS PharmSciTech. 10(4);1336-1342; 2009

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