Study system

Study system:
The duration of study in the program is five academic years (five levels over ten semesters) according to the credit hour system and one year of advanced training (excellence) in work sites (5+1). In addition to 100 hours of actual field training in private, government, and hospital pharmacies, which takes place during vacations. Summer school for years of study after the end of the third level and before starting the internship year. Each academic level (year) is divided into two semesters (fall and spring) and the duration of each semester is fifteen weeks.Some courses may be offered in a summer semester lasting six to eight weeks of intensive study. The credit hour is a unit of academic measurement and is equivalent to a weekly theoretical hour of study or a practical lesson of no less than two hours per week, taught over the course of one semester.

Requirements for obtaining the Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree (Clinical Pharmacy):
Obtaining the degree of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Clinical Pharmacy) according to the credit hour system requires the following:

First: Studying and passing the number of credit hours is 176 credit hours distributed over ten semesters. The college’s compulsory requirements include 168 credit hours (course distribution table) and the college’s elective requirements represent 8 credit hours, provided that the cumulative average is not less than one.

Second: Passing a first field training period with a total of 100 hours of actual training in private, government, and hospital pharmacies approved by the College Council, under the supervision of a faculty member. The training takes place during the summer vacations of the study years after the end of the third level, and to complete the internship year (academic year - 9). (months) after completing the years of study, according to the detailed regulations for the internship program, which includes a graduation project in one of the specializations offered.

Third: Passing whatever requirements the university may decide for graduation, provided that they are not included in calculating the student’s semester or cumulative average.

Language of study:
Study in the program is in English. However, it is permissible to teach some courses in the Arabic language based on the recommendation of the relevant scientific department and the approval of the college and university councils.

Evaluation system:
The final grade for the course consists of the sum of grades for semester, practical, written, and oral work as shown in the study plan tables. The minimum pass in any course is 60% of the total grades of this course, and in any course it is not possible unless the student obtains a pass of 30% of the final written exam grade. The percentage of final grades and grades will be as shown in the following table:


Number of points



95 or higher










 82.8 - 85



very good

 82.8 - 77.5 



75 - 77.5



72.5 - 75




67.5 - 72.5



65 - 67.5



62.5 - 65




60 - 62.5



and below 60














Abs E**


I:* The student receives this code if the attendance percentage is satisfactory and he is unable to take the final written and oral exam (if any) for one or more courses in the same semester for compelling reasons accepted by the College Council. He must take the final written and oral exam (if any) only with... Maintaining the grade, on the first date the exam is held for this course, provided that this is not repeated more than twice for the same course, and on the third time the student is considered to have failed.

E Abs:** The student gets this code if he is unable to take the final written and oral exam (if any) on the date mentioned in the previous paragraph (I) because the compelling reason has not disappeared. The student must register for this course when it is offered again and study it in full. While maintaining appreciation.

There are other evaluation codes that do not correspond to points - used in some graduation requirements - which are:
S: satisfactory level
U: Unsatisfactory level
T: Grades obtained by a student transferred from another college of pharmacy

Failing in courses:
- In the event that the student is absent without an excuse accepted by the College Council from taking the final written exam.
- If the student obtains less than 30% of the final written exam grade.
- Failure to achieve at least 60% of the total course grades.
- If a student fails any compulsory course in any semester, he must study the same course and take the exam in it when it is offered again. However, if he fails an elective course, he can repeat his study or study another alternative elective course to complete the graduation requirements, after the approval of the academic advisor and the approval of the College Council. 

Academic failure:
A student is considered academically struggling if he obtains a semester average (GPA) of less than “1.” A student who obtains a semester average (GPA) of less than “1” for six consecutive semesters or ten non-continuous semesters will be dismissed from the college after presentation and approval by the College Council. Summer semesters, if any, will not be taken into consideration. 12 The struggling student is allowed to retake the courses he passed with a grade of D in order to improve the cumulative average and the higher grade the student obtains is counted.

Dropping out of school:
A student is considered to have dropped out of school if he does not register for a semester or withdraw from the semester, whether with or without an excuse. A student may interrupt two consecutive semesters or a maximum of three non-consecutive semesters, provided that he obtains the approval of the College Council. In the event that he interrupts for a longer period than that without an excuse, it is accepted by the College Council, approved by the University Council, and the provisions contained in the executive regulations of the Universities Organization Law are applied to him.