General Program Courses - PharmD

PG 101 - Medicinal Plants (2+1)
The aim of the course is to provide students with knowledge necessary to identify and prepare a crude drug from the farm to the firm. Students should acquire knowledge concerning dusting powders, plant cytology, physiology and medicinal leafy plants and their taxonomy. In this course, the student will study: importance of natural products, preparation of natural products-derived drugs including collection, storage, preservation and adulteration. The course will introduce the students to the different classes of secondary metabolites. In addition, the course will discuss and address the variability in occurrence of pharmacologically active substances in certain official medicinal leafy plants according to their WHO monographs.

PG 202 - Pharmacognosy I (2+1)
Based on the Egyptian flora and other florae of wild and cultivated medicinal plants that are used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries in the global & Egyptian market.The course introduces students to some botanical drugs of flower, seeds, bark and wood origin. During the lectures and practical sessions, students learn to identify examples of these drugs in their entire and powdered forms. Student will learn about the major constituents, folk uses, clinically proven uses, benefits, precautions of those medicinal plants.possible herbal-drug interactions of selected examples of these drugs and to have an overview over their phytopharmaceuticals available on the market specially the Egyptian market.

PG 303 - Pharmacognosy II (2+1)
After completion of the course the student should have the knowledge and skills that enable the student to differentiate between different organs of through their monographs. The course comprises the study of identification of different organs through their monographs. (fruits,herbs, Subterranean organs, unorganized drugs in addition to drugs of marine and animal origin) , including identify their active constituents and adulterants describe micro- and macromorphological characteristics, benefits and precautions of their medicinal uses., side effects and contraindications and to have an overview over their phytopharmaceuticals available on the market specially the Egyptian market.

PG 504 - Phytochemistry I (2+1)
Based on complementary medicine and Egyptian medicinal plants that can be used as natural extracts, bioactive raw materials and phytochemical standards to serve the pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and food industries in Egypt.The course aims to gain students the knowledge and skills that enable them to understand, describe and deal with the chemistry of volatile oils, resins, miscellaneous terpenoids, bitters of plant or animal origin, carbohydrates and glycosides of plant or animal origin and different techniques used for their preparation, identification and determination. Also, the students should become aware of different chromatographicmethods used for isolation and analysis of different plant constituents and their pharmacological actions and medicinal uses.

PG 605 - Phytochemistry II (2+1)
In continuation with Pharmacognosy I, this course aims to enable students to demonstrate the knowledge and experience that enables her/ him to understand, describe and deal with the chemistry of alkaloids, tannins and antioxidants of plant, fungi or animal origin as well as techniques for their isolation, identification and determination in their respective sources. Finally, the course focuses on the structure activity relationships (SAR) of these natural products derived compounds and their pharmacophoric features.

PG 706 - Applied & Forensic Pharmacognosy ( 1+1 )
The course aims to provide pharmacy students with sufficient knowledge concerning quality control from herbal aspects,Sampling, structural, physical and analytical standards, purity, safety and adulteration of drugs and their detection. It also covers the modern chromatographic techniques employed for the evaluation of natural product and their products.It also provide the student with basic knowledge about the application of plant biotechnology for the production of pharmaceutically active materials.The course also include an overview on forensic pharmacognosyincluding plants and their natural products that constitute health hazards, or intended for criminal uses to produce, abortion, loss of mental control, hallucination, heart arrest.. Also it includes the study of drug dependents, narcotics, analgesics psych energetics, euphoric. Mycotoxin as a serious threat to general health and safety of community, contamination of food material with poisonous fungi.

PG 907 - Phytotherapy and Aromatherapy (2+1)
Upon successful completion of this course, the students should be able to know guidelines for prescribing herbal medicinal drugs on the basis of the pharmacological properties of these drugs including therapeutic uses, mechanism of action, dosage, adverse reactions, contraindications & drug interactions. The course also allows students understand pharmacotherapeutic principles applied to the treatment of different diseases, pharmacovigilance and rational use of drugs. Also the student should understand the basis of complementary and alternative medicine with emphasis on herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, homeopathies, aromatherapy & their effect on maintaining optimum health and prevention of chronic diseases.It includes studying of medicinal plants portfolios in relation to Phytopharmaceuticals in Egyptian Market.

PG E08 - Production and Manufacture of Medicinal Plants (1+1)
The study of commercial production of medicinal plants, cultivation, collection, drying, preservation, extraction, standardization, quality control, and final packaging of entire or powdered forms or extracts with the mphasis on the production of standardized herbals and phytopharmaceuticals.

PG E09 - Chromatography and Separation Techniques (1+1)
Introduction and modes of separation for adsorption, partition, gel filtration and permeation, ion exchange and non-ion exchange, affinity chromatography and their applications. High-pressure liquid chromatography, gas liquid chromatography and their applications.

PG E10 - Alternative Medicinal Therapies (1+1)
This course offers an overview of alternative medicine. Students will typically learn the many disciplines of complementary and alternative medicine available. Students might learn the concepts behind alternative treatments of diseases and how they may complement traditional medicine. Students will learn the therapeutic herbal groups and dosages. This will discuss how herbal medicines can complement or be contraindicated when used with pharmaceutical medications, as well as modern scientific research into herbal medicine.