ابحاث عام ٢٠١٩ - ١
Momen M Lotfy, Hossam M Hassan, Rabab Mohammed, Mona Hetta, Ahmed Osama El-Gendy, Mostafa E Rateb, Mohamed A Zaki, Noha M Gamaleldin (2019). Chemical profiling and biological screening of some River Nile derived-microorganisms. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 787
Martha M Naguib, Ahmed S Khairalla, Ahmed O El-Gendy, Walid F Elkhatib (2019). Isolation and characterization of mercury-resistant bacteria from wastewater sources in Egypt. Canadian journal of microbiology 65, 1-14
Sebastiaan P van Kessel, Alexandra K Frye, Ahmed O El-Gendy, Maria Castejon, Ali Keshavarzian, Gertjan van Dijk, Sahar El Aidy (2019). Gut bacterial tyrosine decarboxylases restrict levels of levodopa in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Nature communications 10, 310
Tarek Dishisha, Ramin Sabet-Azad, Victor Arieta, Rajni Hatti-Kaul (2019). Lactobacillus reuteri NAD(P)H oxidase: Properties and coexpression with propanediol-utilization enzymes for enhancing 3-hydroxypropionic acid production from 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde. Journal of Biotechnology 289, 135-143
Karim Abdelkader, Hans Gerstmans, Amal Saafan, Tarek Dishisha, Yves Briers (2019). The Preclinical and Clinical Progress of Bacteriophages and Their Lytic Enzymes: The Parts are Easier than the Whole. Viruses 11(2), 96
Yasser Gaber, Boshra Rashad, Eman Fathy (2019). Biological 3D Structural Databases. In Essentials of Bioinformatics, Volume I, 47-73.
Kenneth S Thomson, Sameh AbdelGhani, James W Snyder, Gina K Thomson (2019). Activity of Cefepime-Zidebactam against Multidrug-Resistant (MDR) Gram-Negative Pathogens. Antibiotics 8(1), 32